Foundation Members of the RIA, Barefoot Science Gear Up For Inaugural Conference

The Running Conference #TRC22


Barefoot Science, a Foundation Member of The Running Industry Alliance is preparing to join the top running industry retailers, brands, buyers & athletes in the UK at Loughborough University for the first annual Running Conference. 

Originally slated to take place in September, The Running Conference has been rescheduled for December 11th-13th. 

The theme for this year's conference is “Impactful Collaborations” - the focus for the entire event will be on connecting, supporting, educating, sharing, amplifying, networking and growing.

From the team at RIA: 

" 'The Running Conference' features purposeful, educational and insightful panel discussions, outdoor activities, industry celebrations, and networking opportunities in addition to focused, instructive, and informative conference programmes. This much-anticipated event in the running industry calendar will become an annual gathering uniting the various sectors of the running industry (B2B / B2B2C), and nurturing the development of meaningful business relationships and collaborations.

While attendance for this event is limited to RIA members, interested parties can reach out to join the RIA for membership options here.

Capped at 280 guests in 2022, with a growing wait list already in queue for next year's conference, this event is certain to provide a curated, one of a kind experience for running industry's top insiders. 

We hope to see you there!

In the meantime, don't forget that our new podcast Born to Be Barefoot has a new episode premiering every Wednesday!

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The Running Conference, Born to Be Barefoot, Barefoot Science
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